CQI-IRCA PR366: ENMS LEAD AUDITOR ISO 50001 online in English


This training for lead auditors is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to audit and assess energy management systems established based on the ISO 50001:2018 standard.

Participants must have prior knowledge of the following:

  • Core elements of a management system and the PDCA cycle
  • A knowledge of management system audits
  • An understanding of the requirements of ISO 50001 and the commonly used terms and definitions of energy management as defined in ISO 50001


Delegates who successfully complete this CQI-IRCA certified ISO 50001 Lead Auditor (EnMS) training course (within five years prior to applying for certification as an auditor) will meet the training requirements for initial certification as an IRCA EnMS auditor.


  • Deepening the understanding of the requirements of ISO 50001:2018.
  • A detailed understanding of the terminology used in the ISO 50001:2018 standard
  • In-depth exploration of the perspective of a third-party audit of an energy management system implemented by an organization through a cohesive case study in a series of workshops, exercises, and role-plays
  • Exam


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